Minuets of the Working Committee meeting of Hind Mazdoor Sabha held at
Newly constructed Head Quarter Building of Hind Mazdoor Sabha at 12,
Institutional Area Pushp Vihar Saket New Delhi on 15th and 16th
February 2020

The meeting was chaired by Comrade C.A.Raja Sridhar, President Hind Mazdoor Sabha

Following members took leave of absence

The meeting started with the condolences to the leaders and other
dignitaries who left for their heavenly abode during the reported
period. Two minutes silence was observe to pay respect to them.
Chairman Shri C.A.Rajasridhar while welcoming the members said that
the Working Committee was being organized at a time when the present
regime has sharpen the attack on workers trade Union and Human rights
of the working class.

He  referred the scraping of 44 hard earned central Labor laws by the
Union Government to enact 4 anti labour and pro employer labour codes and
explained the ill effects of implementation of these labour codes on
workers and said that unity and solidarity of working class is the
need of the hour and appealed workers to be ready for a long decisive
struggle against anti workers, anti people polices of the Government.
He then handed over to the General Secretary for conduct of the

General Secretary welcomed all the members followed by presentation
of General Secretary’s report which highlighted Socio Economic and Political situation of the country important activities and campaign undertaken by affiliates
across the nation alongwith important National and International

Social Economic and Political situation

General Secretary said that the Country was passing through a very critical phase on one hand it’s economic position was deteriorating day by day annual GDP growth rate has come down to 4.2% in the current fiscal as against 7 plus
estimated at the beginning of the year. Unemployment rate has gone up all
time high of 6.1% according to quick estimates of index of industrial production released on 12th February 2020 out of 23 groups of manufacturing Industrial Sector 16 have recorded negative growth in December 2019 Dud to unplanned
unilateral decision of Demonetization and introduction of goods and
services tax, millions of small medium Industries have been shutdown
leaving more than 20 million workers unemployed. He said that the
Government of largest democracy of the world was being run on the whims
of a group of people with no scope of discussion or an suggestion which
does not suit the “BOSS”, Prices of essential commodities are rising
everyday overall food inflation rate during January 2020 was reported
at 13% Government in attempt to improve Its rating in “Ease of doing
business Index” compiled by global financial institutions has allowed
100% foreign Direct investment in major sectors of the Economy like
Railways, Port and Dock, Coal , Bank Insurance and even Defence etc has
introduced Fixed Term Employment despite the Joint strong opposition by
major Central Trade Union also despite fact that India has ratified
ILO Recommendation 204 on Formalization of Informal Economy which aims at
protecting right of informal workers where as Fixed Term Employment
encourages informality. He added that the Government has decided to
scrap hard earned 44 central labour laws to enact 4 anti worker and
pro employer labour codes amending, diluting, snatching away labour
friendly provision of existing labour laws.

Concentration of Wealth

General Secretary said that the Government polices have helped concretion of wealth in the nation. Today 78% of Indian Wealth’s being held by only one percent of population number of billionaires have increased in India.

Political and Social Scenario

Explaining Political and Social Scenario of the nation General Secretary referred assembly elections in Haryana, Maharashtra and Delhi. In all 3 states Bhartya Janta Party could not get clear majority, formed Government with the support of Dushyant Chautala, JNP and independents in Haryana, In Maharashtra it emerged as single largest party but could not claim formation of Government initially because of withdraw of support by it’s old allied Shiv Sena. A split was enquired in nationalist Congress Party Shri Ajeet Pawar was offered Deputy Chief Ministership and in a historic moment in Indian Democracy Shri Fadnevis was shown in as Chief Minister with Ajeet Pawar as his deputy in an early morning swearing ceremony but within 36 hours he had to resign as Chief Minister with home coming of Ajit Pawar and finally an unprecedented alliance of congress NCP and Shiv Sena came to power in Maharashtra under Udhav Thakerey Leadership and Ajeet Pawar holding Deputy Chief Minsitership.

In Delhi Aam Admi Party had a clean sweep bagging 62 out of 70 seats rest 8 were won by Bhartya Janta Party.

Jammu and Kashmir General Secretary explained the Development in Jammu and Kashmir Article 370 and 35 A of Indian Constitution were annulled and two union territories namely Jammu and Kashmir and Ladhak were created on 5th August 2019 through a constitutional amendment which was followed by house arrests of senior leaders of major mainstream political parties and later most of them were arrested under Public Security Act including 3 Ex Chief Ministers name Farookh Abdulla, Omer Abudllah and Ms Mahbooba Mufti. Internet services remained suspended in the region for quite long time.


General Secretary referred Citizenship Act Amendment, National Population register and National Register Of Citizen alongwith Nationwide protest against them

Protect Against fee hike in JNU

Unilateral high increase in fee structure in JNU Consequential protest by students and suppressive measures taken by the Government were also part of General Secretary’s report explaining the Annual General Budget for 2020-2021 by the Finance Minister Ms Nirmala Sitaraman the General Secretary explained that there was nothing for lower, lower middle or middle class of the country which constitutes the majority of working masses. The so called relief in individual income tax the Government has not outright increased the income limit to 5 lakh it has created number of slabs for Income Tax and if one opts for direct exemption up to Rs 5 lakh he/she shall have to forgo all exemption stagnated under Income Tax Act Thus the net benefit in income Tax will be very measure. There was a very meager, insufficient increase in Defence Budget which has been increased form Rs 316296 carore in 2019-20 to Rs 323053 crore in 2020-21 i.e. an increase of Rs 10300 crore only. Education got Rs 99300 crore and Skill Development Rs 3000/- carore Government has proposed to introduce extremely commercial borrowing and FDI in Education sector.

There was no change in Budgetary allocation in pollution, abetment and climate change it remained same as Rs 460 crore which was allocated in 2019-20

MNREGA Fund slashed
Despite strong united demand of expansion of coverage of MNREGA Enhancement of number of day per annum nothing reflected in the Budget on the contrary the allocation for MNREGA was slashed. It simply shows that Government was not the least interested in workers welfare or enhancing employment opportunities.
GS in his report mentioned the solidarity support Indian Trade Union Movement got from global workers organization General Secretary ITUC, and GS ITUC AP assured full support advised all affiliates to support Indian Trade Union Movement we have got message Solidarity from 13 Global organizations
He covered disinvestment from PSUs privatization, corporatization in Key sectors like Railways, Coal, Port and Dock, Civil aviation Road Transport, Bank Insurance, Retail etc Power, Telecom, Defence including research and Development as well.
He gave a brief information about the contribution of HMS affiliates in various Joint actins and also mentioned some initiatives under taken by HMS affiliates independently which got massive support from workers
G.S explained the financial position of HMS He said some affiliated have not fulfilled the assurances. They made some have not returned neither coupons they took not the money. It has placed the central office in very Sorry stage. He once again requested all members to immediately clear the outstanding commitment for building fund.
HMS New Head Quarter building is now ready. The office is to be shifted from 120 Babar Road to Saket General Secretary said the HMS would need at least Rs 6 lakh per month for proper maintenance of Nee Head Quarter building. It includes payment of different taxes like Property Tax, Power and Water charges, wages for watchmen in 2/3 shift etc. The Financial postion of the organization was very gloomy we have to make adjustment for regular timely payment of salary to our employee, it has to be improved.
General Secretary also requested members to discuss and decide the proposed date/place for the next annual General Body meeting which has become overdue the unions who can hold the Annual General Body meeting may send their proposal to Head Quarter Shri Shiv Kumar Yadav of WCL Nagpur, and Comrade Francis Dara came forward with the proposal to hold annual General Body meting during November- December 2020 art Nagpur. Working Committee authorized General Secretary and President to decide it was decides that both will visit Nagpur, discuss with the host union and will finalize date and other modalities.
It was also decided that the tenure of present body may be extended upto December 2020.
Regarding next Working Committee meeting it was decided to hold it at a place other than Delhi by any affiliate Comrade Abdul Gani Sarung confirmed to hold the same at Lonawala.; Date will be decided will in advance.
A resolution to hold one state level convention with the active collaboration of youth and women federation tentatively on 21st August with the objective of organizing a massive National Level Demonstration at New Delhi to press 12 point Charter of Demand detail circular will follow.
Another resolution on holding the next Annual General Body meeting tentative by during November December 2020 at Nagpur as proposed by Shri Shiv Kumar Yadav and Shri Frances Dara of WCL at Nagpur was also adopted in the meeting.
The meeting also resolved to extend the tenure of present body till December 2020 under the above circumstances.
Intervening in the meeting, Comrade C.A. Raja Sridhar expressed his deep concern over the infomlisation of formal work in almost all sectors he gave an example of civilian Defence employees in MES where a Brigadier asked permanent employees not to come to office their salary would be paid and entire work would be undertaken though contract causal work” It speaks a lot” president said.
General Secretary said most of the state committees are working smoothly but some needs to improve In some states election shave not been held. Some disputes among office bearers have gone out of family. This is very serous difference of opinion, is bound to be there in any democratic organization which believes in free and frank discussion. Most often difference of opinion leads to new ideas which consequently the organization new vision and pace but it should never lead to personal clashes.
Details of the union’s seeking affiliation, their present status recommendations from state councils etc. were presented discussed and approved by the house. Members expressed their views on the General Secretary’s report which got appreciation from all speaker termed as detailed comprehensive, containing complete picture of events etc. Members expressed problems challenges activities of their unions, sectors, states covering Railways, Port and Dock, Defence, Coal, Road, Transport, Public Sector Undertaking, Telecom, Agriculture, Construction, Domestic Workers, Self employees women, Asha, Anganwadi workers, Street Vendor, Migrant workers their plight efforts made by affiliates to provide assistance where ever needed special mention of achievements of shIp breaking yard Alang National Railways Mazdoor Union (CR/KR) infighting among office bearers etc. Some states were also referred not as short coming but with a view to arrive at some amicable solution enquiring win situation.
Swimming up the discussions, the General Secretary assured that the problems and challenges mentioned by members have been noted for necessary action. He appealed all members and affiliate to gear up their communication system and avail the benefits of tele techniques on like communication and other digital advancement which keep us informed with in no time.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks

Harbhajan Singh Sidhu
General Secretary
Hind Mazdoor Sabha


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