Comrade Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, General Secretary of Hind Mazdoor Sabha, participates in the HMS State council of Madhya Pradesh with Comrade Mukesh Galav on 17-07-2022
SHRI HARBHAJAN SINGH SIDHU, GENERAL SECRETARY OF HIND MAZDOOR SABHA, ARRIVED AT JABALPUR STATION WITH COMRADE MUKESH GALAV SECRETARY OF HMS, WARM WELCOME WAS GIVEN BY (WCREU) AND HMS COMRADES. (17.07.2022) ADDRESS STATE COUNCIL BY COMRADE HARBHAJAN SINGH SIDHU Comrade Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, General Secretary of Hind Mazdoor Sabha, reached Jabalpur by Train along with Comrade Mukesh Galav, Secretary of HMS on 17-07-2022 to participate in the HMS State council Madhya Pradesh. Warm welcome was given by WCREU and HMS comrades on arrival at Jabalpur station, General Secretary of Hind Mazdoor Sabha, Comrade Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, address state council, after consultation with the all members, Shri. Harbhajan Singh Sidhu appointed Comrade Sunil Latoria as General Secretary of ,MP state council vice Comrade Gobind Lal Sharma who resigned from the post of General Secretary due to health grounds, Comrade Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, General Secretary of Hind Mazdoor Sabha given the direct...